Yoga - Unchristian? Really?

Sep 1st, 2007
Vicars ban ‘un-Christian’ yoga for toddlers

Yoga, a form of exercise methodology with its roots in ancient India has been banned by two vicars in somerset, UK. It is very disturbing to hear leaders of communities have such opinions. All sects and religions have a right to believe in whatever they place their faith in. However, Yoga is just a form of exercise that relaxes body and mind.

Its origin is in Hinduism, but Yoga in itself has nothing to do with religion.

Each culture has something good to offer. And the global citizen should have the right to partake of whatever good things the human race has discovered, irrespective of which country and religion discovered it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Namasthe Anamika: What you wrote about Yoga is very true.

Its origin is in Hinduism, but Yoga in itself has nothing to do with religion.

I like the way you express in your blogs. Take care. By the way, have you read my book AM I A HINDU?

Ed Viswanathan