A blue playground

White clouds run around in a land of cornflower blue
Little bundles of fluff playing tag in groups of two
The young sun smiles dotingly on their childish pranks
And the warm wind herds them this way then that

Looking up from his nest under the orange trees' shade
The little boy dreams of walking on the blue landscape
Jumping into the white fluffy clouds, laughing
Trying to push against the gentle hands of the wind

Slowly the boy pulls himself out of his reverie
A bee is buzzing nearby, on the shrub of strawberries
He gets down from the low slung tree branch and runs
Towards his mother's voice, announcing lunch


© 2007 Anamika

Creative Commons License

A blue playground by Anamika is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very sweet poem!!