The child bride

Balika Badhu (in hindi) is an all time classic movie about a child bride. The movie revolves around a young school going boy, who is married to a sweet young girl, as per the traditions of pre-independence india.

Leave the merits and controversy around child marriages in India aside. The movie in itself is a beautiful and innocent tale of two young people. The boy and the girl have never really seen each other before they get married. Both of them have no idea what this arranged matrimony entails.

And thus starts the journey of two young kids, who become good friends. The sweet innocence of their age and their innocent love and freindship for each other. the beauty and delicacy with which their budding adoration for each other is shown, held in check by the seniors of the joint faily in which they live. A poignantly sweet image of the times, when love and marriage in India was so different from today's live-ins, pre/extra marital relations.

Sigh! Wish we could combine the luxuries and advantages of today's lifestyle with the sweetness and poignancy in the relationships of those times. But that would not be possible I think. Sweet innocence and todays fast paced life. The latter will destroy the former.

That being the case, I think I will once again immerse myself in those sweet moments, for 3 hours... Will go watch the movie again!

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